Microbes Should Have Wiped Us Out Eons Ago!

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We humans are in a constant battle against microbes that surround us, such as bacteria and viruses. Evolutionary theory tells us that as we evolved, so did these microbes. We have developed multiple layers of defense against them, such as high fever, a protective skin layer, enzymes that chop microbes into pieces, and finally, our incredibly complex immune system. Even today, with all our technology at our disposal, if some life form overcomes us, it’s not going to be the mighty lion or bear, it’s going to be the lowly microbe. Why? Continue reading

Why Would an All-Powerful, All-Good God Allow Evil?

This is an ancient question, one to which the oldest book in the Bible, Job, was entirely devoted. It is asked repeatedly in the Scriptures: Jeremiah asks, “Why does the way of the wicked prosper?” (12:1). Psalm 73 is a discussion of this question. Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33).

But the answers the Bible gives, to the extent that it answers at all, are not very satisfying. Job is told (I’m paraphrasing Job 40), “Who are you to question me?” Others tell us to look to another place, heaven, where wrongs will be finally righted. But why would God allow evil in the first place? Continue reading

My Professor’s Encounters With the Spiritualist Church

I thought that you might find an episode from my past to be at least entertaining, and perhaps capable of shedding some light on a subject we have been discussing on this blog: the existence/nonexistence of the supernatural.

Over 45 years ago, I was a student of electrical engineering (computer design) at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Continue reading

If Scientists Allow Miracles, Wouldn’t That Kill Science?

In the past, many phenomena, such as lightning, earthquakes, eclipses and comets, were attributed to the supernatural intervention of God. In fact, even today certain calamitous events are referred to in legalese as “acts of God“.

But science has found explanations for all of the aforementioned phenomena in natural processes, and as a result, many have become reluctant to attribute anything to the miraculous, for fear of stifling the progress of science. After all, once a phenomenon is categorized as miraculous, it makes no sense to investigate it further. By its nature (actually, supernature) it frustrates scientific inquiry. Continue reading