Here are some animations:
- The Universal Probability Bound (mobile phone friendly). This app should be self-explanatory. Try it on your mobile phone, as well as your PC.
- The Avian Lung: This flash animation was created as a teaching tool, to help show how extraordinary and different the avian (bird) lung is from the lungs of all other animals. Some features:
- The lung itself is rigid, not expandable like other chordate lungs;
- Air moves in only one direction through the lung, which enables it to use highly efficient methods of oxygen & carbon dioxide transfer between the blood capillaries and the air;
- It incorporates expandable bladders on both the entrance and exit to the lung;
- It also utilizes a set of valves that can switch the air path between the lung and the bladders;
- The bladders and valves enable the bird to maintain a continuous flow of air through the lung, both when inhaling and exhaling!
- The Monkey And The Typewriter 1: This flash animation was also created as a teaching tool, to help in understanding the infinite monkey theorem and its ramifications. With this tool, it can be demonstrated that only an appeal to an infinite number of parallel universes can suffice to explain the awesome complexity in even the simplest conceivable form of life. However, this appeal is to an unscientific and supernatural explanation requiring great faith, and is not dissimilar from an appeal to God.
- The Monkey And The Typewriter 2: this is a crude flash animation that simulates a monkey typing at a typewriter. It is crude because typing random characters at extremely high speeds is beyond the capabilities of a flash animation. In a teaching situation I utilize a Visual Basic application that is much more refined and can type at speeds if 15,000 characters/second or better on a typical laptop. I plan to provide it here eventually (requires installation).